Home Automation Kubernetes Cluster – Part 2: Installing Talos Linux

Home Automation Kubernetes Cluster – Part 2: Installing Talos Linux

This is part 2 of my Kubernetes Home Automation Cluster series. In the first part, we talked about how to assemble the hardware. In this part, we’ll go over how to get Kubernetes up and running.

With the success and the response from this article I am starting a kickstarter to provide prebuilt clusters to consumers. Here is a link to my prelaunch Kickstarter page. Learnaean: redefining edge computing with Kubernetes 

Why Talos Linux?

As I said in Part 1, I really liked the Talos Linux project when I started searching for the best way to run Kubernetes on an SBC. I did a proof of concept on several different hardware/software combinations during my search for the best edge Kubernetes clusters for my home automation needs but ultimately settled on Talos. I won’t go into all my POCs right now because this article is going to be long enough already. I tried both purpose-built Kubernetes distributions and Kubernetes on standard Linux, but Talos stood out as the best fit for my needs.


Before we begin, here’s what you’ll need:

  • A Rock 4 SE SBC or compatible hardware
  • An SD card (at least 16 GB)
  • A computer with an SD card reader
  • Ethernet cable and access to your network’s DHCP server
  • A tool to flash disk images (I use Balena Etcher)

Downloading and Flashing the Talos Image

Let’s get started by visiting the Talos Image Factory:

  1. Select the "Single Board Computer" option.
  2. Choose the version of Talos you want to install. The current version, as of the time of writing, is 1.9.1.
  3. Next, select your SBC board. In our case, that’s the Rock 4 SE.
  4. Click "Next" on the System Extension and Kernel Arguments screens until you reach the download page.

Download the disk image file from the "Disk Image" link. Then, flash it to your SD card using your favorite image flashing tool. I personally like Balena Etcher because it makes flashing an image to an SD card easy.

Booting the Board

Once you’ve flashed the SD card with the Talos image, insert it into your Rock 4 SE. Plug in the Ethernet cable and power up the board. You should see the board’s lights come on, indicating activity.

On Rock 4 SE boards, a successful boot is indicated by the network indicator blinking rapidly for a few seconds, turning off briefly, and then resuming to show normal traffic activity.

Finding Your Device’s IP Address

Next, we need to find the IP address assigned to the board by your network’s DHCP server. How you do this depends on your router or network setup:

  • Using Your Router: Log in to your router’s admin interface and look for connected devices.
  • Using Network Tools: Tools like nmap or Angry IP Scanner can help you find the new device.
  • Omada Users: I use TP-Link Omada networking and can see the device’s IP address in the interface.

Once you’ve located the IP, you can confirm it’s your Talos system by running the following command:

talosctl --talosconfig ./talosconfig -e <IP_ADDRESS> -n <IP_ADDRESS> get disks --insecure

This command should list all the disks on the machine. You can also confirm your NVMe drive is detected. You should see something like this:

Configuring Talos

At this point, Talos is booted in maintenance mode and isn’t fully operational yet. The next step is to apply a configuration file to the node so it can boot into the appropriate role. We’re essentially following the Talos Getting Started guide.

Choosing the Cluster Endpoint

The cluster-endpoint is the IP address for your Talos API server. In an all-metal setup like this, you need a stable IP for the control plane node. Talos uses a VIP (Virtual IP) to manage this. A VIP is just an unassigned IP address on your network, and Talos ensures it’s always assigned to the active control plane node using etcd.

Ensure you select an IP address that is not managed by DHCP or any other network service.

Then, run this command:

talosctl gen config <cluster-name> <cluster-endpoint>

Editing the Control Plane File

The gen config command generates several files with very good defaults. The one we’re currently concerned with is the control-plane.yaml file. We need to edit this file to configure our bare-metal cluster. Below are the changes we need to make:

Network Changes

We need to update the network configuration to ensure the node is set up correctly for the cluster. Refer to the Talos documentation for more details, but here are the sections to focus on: DeviceSelector, DHCP, and VIP.

The board's IP address must be reserved once the node is added to the cluster. I handle this by reserving the assigned DHCP IP address to the board's MAC address using my TP-Link Omada network. Alternatively, you can use static IP addresses, but this will require creating multiple controlplane.yaml files to configure your control plane nodes. For more details on static configuration options, refer to the Talos documentation.

Here’s an example of the network portion:

    - deviceSelector:
        driver: rk*
      dhcp: true
        ip: # Specifies the IP address to be used.

Setting the Installation Disk

To ensure the OS installs on the correct media, we’ll use a diskSelector instead of specifying the disk by name. This makes the setup resilient to changes in disk naming conventions:

  image: ghcr.io/siderolabs/installer:v1.9.0 # The image used for installation.
  wipe: false # Indicates if the installation disk should be wiped.
    type: sd

Mounting the NVMe Drive

Next, we’ll configure the NVMe drive to mount at a usable location. Update the disks section of the file:

  - device: /dev/nvme0n1 # The name of the disk to use.
      - mountpoint: /var/mnt/extra # Where to mount the partition.

This configuration ensures the NVMe drive is mounted at /var/mnt/extra.

Allowing Workloads on Control Plane Nodes

Finally, enable workloads to run on control-plane nodes by updating this setting:

allowSchedulingOnControlPlanes: true

With these changes, your control-plane file is ready to bootstrap your bare-metal cluster.

Control Plane Node Setup

The following steps are adapted from the Talos Getting Started guide:

Configuring the First Control Plane Node

First, we need to apply the configuration to our control plane node using the talosctl apply-config command. Replace <IP_ADDRESS> with the IP address of your node:

talosctl apply-config -e <IP_ADDRESS> -n <IP_ADDRESS> --talosconfig ./talosconfig --file controlplane.yaml --insecure

This step applies the settings from your controlplane.yaml file, including network, disk, and scheduling configurations, ensuring the node is properly set up to join the cluster.

Bootstrapping the Control Plane Node

Next, bootstrap the first node of the control plane cluster. This step sets up the etcd cluster and starts the Kubernetes control plane components:

talosctl bootstrap -e <IP_ADDRESS> -n <IP_ADDRESS> --talosconfig ./talosconfig
Important: The bootstrap operation should only be called once on a single control plane node. If you have multiple control plane nodes, it doesn’t matter which one you issue the bootstrap command against.

Verifying the Node

After a few moments, you should be able to download the Kubernetes client configuration and start using your cluster:

talosctl kubeconfig --nodes <IP_ADDRESS> --endpoints <IP_ADDRESS> --talosconfig=./talosconfig

This command merges the cluster configuration into your default Kubernetes configuration file. If you’d like to save it to a different file, you can specify an alternative filename:

talosctl kubeconfig alternative-kubeconfig --nodes <IP_ADDRESS> --endpoints <IP_ADDRESS> --talosconfig ./talosconfig

To make sure that everything is running corrctly, I like to issue the services command via talosctl like:

talosctl services -e <VIP_IP_ADDRESS> -n <NODE_IP_ADDRESS> --talosconfig ./talosconfig

You should get something like this:

You can also run the "health" command like:

talosctl health -e <VIP_IP_ADDRESS> -n <NODE_IP_ADDRESS> --talosconfig ./talosconfig

You should get something like this:

Now, you can connect to your Kubernetes cluster and verify that your nodes are up and running:

kubectl get nodes

You should see your control plane node listed and ready.

Adding Additional Nodes

Adding the remaining SBC boards to your cluster is as simple as scaling up. Ideally, you’ll want at least three control plane nodes for redundancy. To scale your cluster, simply apply your controlplane.yaml file to two additional nodes:

The board's IP address must be reserved once the node is added to the cluster. I handle this by reserving the assigned DHCP IP address to the board's MAC address using my TP-Link Omada network. Alternatively, you can use static IP addresses, but this will require creating multiple controlplane.yaml files to configure your control plane nodes. For more details on static configuration options, refer to the Talos documentation.
talosctl apply-config -e <VIP_IP_ADDRESS> -n <NODE_IP_ADDRESS> --talosconfig ./talosconfig --file controlplane.yaml --insecure

Again, a good way to check node health is to run the "talosctl services" command:

talosctl services -e <VIP_IP_ADDRESS> -n <NODE_IP_ADDRESS> --talosconfig ./talosconfig

You should get something that looks like this:

If you get something that looks like this:

If issues persist, rebooting the node typically resolves them and allows provisioning to complete.

You can do this with the following command:

talosctl reboot -e <NODE_IP_ADDRESS> -n <NODE_IP_ADDRESS> --talosconfig ./talosconfig  

Once you have configured the additional nodes, you can verify their status by running the following command:

kubectl get nodes

Adding Additional Worker Nodes

If you have more than three nodes to add to your cluster, you can make similar edits to the worker.yaml file as you did to the controlplane.yaml file. There are a few exceptions to note:

  • You do not need to set the VIP in the worker configuration file.
  • You also do not need to set the allowSchedulingOnControlPlanes property.


I had originally planned for this to be a two-article series, but after writing this, I feel this is a good stopping point. If you’re already familiar with Kubernetes, you can stop here. However, if you’re looking for a "batteries included" version of Kubernetes, I encourage you to check out my next article. There, I’ll explain how to set up an application manager, a load balancer, and an ingress controller.

With the success and the response from this article I am starting a kickstarter to provide prebuilt clusters to consumers. Here is a link to my prelaunch Kickstarter page. Learnaean: redefining edge computing with Kubernetes